Saturday, 28 September 2013

BMS at the Second European Conference on the Biology of Hydrogen Sulfide

The BMS sponsored a poster prize for “Best Vascular Poster” at the Second European Conference on the Biology of Hydrogen Sulfide held recently in Exeter.

The prize was won by Pauline Snijder from the University of Groningen for her poster entitled ‘Hydrogen sulphide reduced hypertension, proteinuria and renal damage’. Pauline was delighted with her prize.
The Conference was a huge success, attended by over 120 national and international scientists with an interest in the rapidly expanding and exciting field of H2S biology and medicine.  There were some very exciting presentations with an entire session devoted to H2S and the vasculature.  
The BMS had a significant presence at the meeting.  We had flyers and BMS pens in the delegate packs and a stall heroically manned by BMS members from Exeter, particularly Dr Kim Gooding.  The stall displayed our wonderful new banners (can be seen in the images taken at the recent IUPS) and provided visitors with information on the Society, benefits of membership and our forthcoming meetings.